US hemoptysis
/ (hɪˈmɒptɪsɪs) /
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noun plural -ses (-ˌsiːz)
spitting or coughing up of blood or blood-streaked mucus, as in tuberculosisCompare haematemesis
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Which sentence is correct?
Word Origin for haemoptysis
C17: from haemo- + -ptysis, from Greek ptyein to spit
Words nearby haemoptysis
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How to use haemoptysis in a sentence
Ergot is used in therapeutics as a haemostatic, and is very valuable in haemoptysis and sometimes in haematemesis.
Calcium phosphate is much employed in treating rickets, and calcium chloride in haemoptysis and haemophylia.
Haemoptysis denotes an escape of blood from the air-passages, which is usually bright red and frothy from admixture with air.
Dyspnoea and haemoptysis occasionally occur, but are by no means the rule.