[ kuh-lee-nin-grad, -grahd, kah-; Russian kuh-lyi-nyin-graht ]
/ kəˈli nɪnˌgræd, -ˌgrɑd, kɑ-; Russian kə lyɪ nyɪnˈgrɑt /
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a seaport in the W Russian Federation in Europe, on the Bay of Danzig.
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Which sentence is correct?
German Königsberg.
Words nearby Kaliningrad
Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
How to use Kaliningrad in a sentence
That threat would mean more if Russia didn’t already have nuclear installations in its Kaliningrad region, which is less than 500 miles from both Helsinki and Stockholm.
Finland and Sweden Seem Likely to Join NATO. What That Means for Europe|Ian Bremmer|April 23, 2022|TimeFord announced March 1 that it was ending a joint venture in Russia, while BMW will stop exporting to Russia and stop production at its Kaliningrad facility.
In Kaliningrad, we went to a reunion of some of the old whalers.
British Dictionary definitions for Kaliningrad
/ (Russian kəlininˈɡrat) /
a port in W Russia, on the Pregolya River: severely damaged in World War II as the chief German naval base on the Baltic; ceded to the Soviet Union in 1945 and is now Russia's chief Baltic naval base. Pop: 436 000 (2005 est)Former name (until 1946): Königsberg
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