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Quaker meeting
[ kwey-ker mee-ting ]
/ ˈkweɪ kər ˈmi tɪŋ /
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an assembly of Quakers for a time of worship, during which the group’s silence is broken only by those who have been moved by the spirit of God to speak: His parents were saddened to learn that he had not visited a Quaker meeting since moving to Kansas.
Informal. a gathering at which there is considerable silence: This party’s turning into a Quaker meeting—maybe we should bring out the karaoke machine.
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Origin of Quaker meeting
First recorded in 1650–60
Words nearby Quaker meeting
Quakeress, Quaker gun, Quakerism, Quaker-ladies, Quakerly, Quaker meeting, quaking, quaking bog, quaking grass, quaky, quale Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
How to use Quaker meeting in a sentence
British Dictionary definitions for Quaker meeting
Quaker meeting
a gathering of the Quakers for worship, characterized by periods of silence and by members speaking as moved by the Spirit
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
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